Bhutan: Vertebrate species

Checklist Derived from Occurrence
Latest version published by National Biodiversity Centre on Jul 29, 2021 National Biodiversity Centre
Publication date:
29 July 2021
CC-BY 4.0

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This dataset is part of a larger, nationwide checklist that was used to publish the ‘Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan 2017, A Preliminary Baseline’ (BSB 2017). This document was published in 2019 and is the first comprehensive overview of Bhutan's species richness, recording more than 11,000 species across the seven kingdoms.

This specific dataset 'Bhutan: Vertebrate species' provides a checklist of the 1146 vertebrate species, that is, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes from the Animalia Kingdom that are found across Bhutan.

Data Records

The data in this checklist resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 1,146 records.

This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.


The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.

How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Gyeltshen C, Prasad K (2021): Bhutan: Vertebrate species. v1.0. National Biodiversity Centre. Dataset/Checklist.


Researchers should respect the following rights statement:

The publisher and rights holder of this work is National Biodiversity Centre. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: f0beb290-b18e-44e4-9a36-a4b37e78d4d8.  National Biodiversity Centre publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by Participant Node Managers Committee.


Checklist; Bhutan; vertebrates; mammals; birds; amphibians; fishes; reptiles; Derivedfromoccurrence


Choki Gyeltshen
  • Metadata Provider
  • Author
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
  • Deputy Chief Biodiversity Officer
National Biodiversity Centre
  • MoAF, Serbithang
11001 Thimphu
  • +975-2-351417
Karunya Prasad
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Australian Volunteer
National Biodiversity Centre

Geographic Coverage


Bounding Coordinates South West [-90, -180], North East [90, 180]

Temporal Coverage

Living Time Period Till 2017

Project Data

Bhutan, recognized globally as a highly biodiverse region, is also home to vast specimen collections of flora and fauna, held at environmental agencies such as the National Biodiversity Centre (NBC), Royal University Bhutan (RUB) and Department of Forests and Park Services. These collections include datasets for the following taxonomic groups: plants, invertebrates, birds, fishes and mammals, providing a total of approximately 4000 records. Making this data readily available to interested stakeholders is a major goal for the national government and therefore, digitising the specimens is a natural next step within the data mobilisation process.

Title Digitization of collection specimens and mobilization of data though citizen science-based Bhutan Biodiversity Portal and enhancing the functions of portal.
Identifier BIFA5_008
Funding BIFA - GBIF (BIFA5_008)
Study Area Description Bhutan - eastern Himalaya.
Design Description Biodiversity data were obtained from various sources and a national biodiversity checklist was developed in the form of Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan 2017 in 2019 by the National Biodiversity Centre. Data sources include government agencies, universities, NGOs, INGOs, and other private institutions.

The personnel involved in the project:

Karunya Prasad
  • Author

Sampling Methods

Data were obtained from various sources such as government agencies, universities, NGOs, INGOs, and privates institutions. National biodiversity checklist were developed in the form of Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan.

Study Extent Bhutan
Quality Control Data were validated using the published resources such as journal articles and books.

Method step description:

  1. Data were obtained from various sources such as government agencies, universities, NGOs, INGOs, and privates institutions. National biodiversity checklist were developed in the form of Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan. Data were classified in the seven kingdoms and further divided in accordance to their taxonomic classifications.

Collection Data

Collection Name Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan

Bibliographic Citations

  1. National Biodiversity Centre (2019). Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan 2017: A preliminary baseline. National Biodiversity Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimphu, Bhutan.

Additional Metadata


The main objective of this publication is to develop a preliminary report on the biodiversity statistics of Bhutan upon validation from data providers, and to create biodiversity statistics baselines for the country. It also aims to provide up-to-date species checklists annually, by keeping track of new species records and discoveries in Bhutan. Additionally, this report provides a reliable reference point for scientists, researchers, civil servants and citizens interested in Bhutan’s biodiversity.

Maintenance Description These dataset will be updated as and when required.
Alternative Identifiers