NZCS Oelemarie River Expedition 1998

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The Oelemari River Expedition was carried out between March 29th and May 2nd 1998. The team landed at Kawemhakan (Anapaike) and from there traveled upstream the Lawa River and Oelemari River all the way into the Oranje gebergte (Oranje Mts.). On the way 6 camps were constructed. The team consisted of Paul Ouboter (expedition leader, herpetologist), Bart De Dijn (entomologist), Anielkoemar Gangadien (entomological assistant), Shamita Sahdew (vertebrate assistant) and Stanley Ramanand (ichthyological assistant). Habitats: clear water river with many rapids, creeks and brooklets, tropical rainforest, also some swampy areas.

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Ouboter P, Ouboter D, Kadosoe V (2018): NZCS Oelemarie River Expedition 1998. v1.2. National Zoological Collection of Suriname (NZCS). Dataset/Occurrence.


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Occurrence; Fishes; Reptilia; Amphibia; Insecta; Arachnida; Oelemarie River; Expedition; 1998; Suriname; Specimen; Fishes; Reptilia; Amphibia; Insecta; Arachnida


Paul Ouboter
  • Chercheur Principal
Director of NZCS
Leysweg #86
_597 465558 ext 2333
Dimitri Ouboter
  • Curateur Des Données
  • Créateur
Database Assistant
Leysweg #86
+597 465558 ext 2333
Vanessa Kadosoe
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Distributeur
  • Personne De Contact
Assistant Vector Entomology
Leysweg #86
+597 465558 ex 2322
Paul Ouboter
  • Chercheur Principal
Director of NZCS
Leysweg #86
+597 465558 ext 2333

Couverture géographique

The geographic coverage for the Oelemari Expedition 1998 encompasses the area of Kawemhakan (Anapaike), upstream of the Lawa River and Oelemari River all the way into the Oranje gebergte (Oranje Mts.).

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [2,873, -54,542], Nord Est [3,411, -54,027]

Couverture taxonomique

All specimens from this expedition were identified either to family, genus or species level.

Class Reptilia (Reptiles), Amphibia (Amphibians), Arachnida (Spiders, Scorpions, Ticks, Mites)
Order Odonata (Dragonflies), Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, Locust, Crickets, Katydids), Hemiptera (True Bugs), Homoptera (Leaf hoppers, Plant hoppers, Tree hoppers), Coleoptera (Beetles), Lepidoptera (Butterflies, Moths), Hymenoptera (Bees, wasps, ants)

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 1998-03-29 / 1998-05-02

Données sur le projet

The Oelemari River Expedition was carried out between 29 March 1998 and 2 May 1998. The team landed at Kawemhakan (Anapaike) and from there traveled upstream the Lawa River and Oelemari River all the way into the Oranje gebergte (Oranje Mts.). On the way 6 camps were constructed.

Titre Biodiversity survey of the Oelemarie River area, Suriname
Identifiant BID-CA2016-0006-REG
Financement World Wildlife Fund, Netherlands (WWF Netherlands)
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Mostly clear water river with many rapids, creeks and brooklets, tropical rainforest, also some swampy areas.
Description du design Surveys were conducted from the various camps along the river during day and night.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Paul Ouboter
  • Chercheur Principal
Bart De Dijn
  • Chercheur Principal
Anielkoemar Gangadien
  • Conservateur
Shamita Sahdew
  • Conservateur
Stanley Ramanand
  • Conservateur

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

The sampling methods were specific to the taxonomic groups and included transect walks, hand sampling, seining and using insect traps and active insect collecting.

Etendue de l'étude The Oelemarie River area was sampled once.
Contrôle qualité In some cases the identification of specimens was rechecked by foreign experts.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. 1. The amphibians were collected using line transects during night surveys. Reptiles were collected by hand when encountered. Insects were collected using various methods (insect traps, active sampling). Fishes were collected using gill nets and seining. 2. The specimens were labeled in the field and after identification a collection number was assigned to each specimen. 3. The specimens were first preserved in formaldehyde and then transferred into 70% Ethanol. 4. All specimens were identified to species using literature and keys.

Données de collection

Nom de la collection NZCS Amfibieën Collectie
Identifiant de la collection parente NZCS Vertebraten Collectie
Nom de la collection NZCS Reptielen Collectie
Identifiant de la collection parente NZCS Vertebraten Collectie
Nom de la collection NZCS Insecten Collectie
Identifiant de la collection parente NZCS Invertebraten Collectie
Méthode de conservation des spécimens Alcohol,  Pinned
Unités de conservation Compteur 47 incertitude (+/-) 5 Jars ,  Compteur 8 incertitude (+/-) 2 Jars ,  Compteur 172 incertitude (+/-) 20 Dried specimens/Pinned

Métadonnées additionnelles

Identifiants alternatifs 50320846-bf5b-4e62-a5ff-17687f448089