NZCS Coeroeni/Sipaliwini River Expeditions 1988/1989

Версия 1.3 опубликовано National Zoological Collection of Suriname (NZCS) мар. 1, 2019 National Zoological Collection of Suriname (NZCS)
Дата публикации:
1 марта 2019 г.
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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In 1988, between August 15th and September 3rd, an expedition was carried out to the Sipaliwini River and Sipaliwini Savanna. The team landed at Kwamalasamutu for a meeting with the chief of the Trio Amerindian tribe to get permission from him to carry-out the expedition. From there the team went by dugout canoes upstream the Sipaliwini River to the Sipaliwini Airstrip, continuing on the Viergebroeders Creek to near the Vier Gebroeders Mountains. The team consisted of Paul Ouboter (expedition leader, herpetologist). Pieter Teunissen (botanist), Jan Toto (preparator) and Leo Roberts (field assistant). The focus of the expedition was on plants, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, insects, spiders and scorpiones. Habitats sampled were clear water river with many rapids, tropical rainforest and savanna. A second expedition was carried out between August 1st and August 20th 1989. The team landed at Kwamalasamutu and first traveled downstream to the Sir Walther Raleigh Falls (Upper Coeroeni River) and from there returned upstream, continuing all the way to Sipaliwini Airstrip. At the airstrip a guide and porters were hired to carry all the load to the Apalagadi Mountain, just north of the Sipaliwini Savanna. The team consisted of Paul Ouboter (expedition leader, herpetologist), Jan Mol (ichthyologist), Jan Toto (preparator). The focus of the expedition was on amphibians, reptiles and fishes. Habitats sampled were clear rivers, creeks and brooklets, tropical rainforest and savanna.

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Ouboter P, Ouboter D, Kadosoe V (2018): NZCS Coeroeni/Sipaliwini River Expeditions 1988/1989. v1.3. National Zoological Collection of Suriname (NZCS). Dataset/Occurrence.


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Публикующей организацией и владельцем прав на данную работу является National Zoological Collection of Suriname (NZCS). Эта работа находится под лицензией Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0).

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Ключевые слова

Occurrence; Characiformes; Siluriformes; Perciformes; Amphibia; Squamata; Hemiptera; Orthoptera; Arachnida; Scorpiones; Coeroeni; Sipaliwini; Expeditions; 1988; 1989; Suriname; Specimen; Characiformes; Siluriformes; Perciformes; Amphibia; Squamata; Hemiptera; Orthoptera; Arachnida; Scorpiones


Paul Ouboter
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Principal Investigator
Director of NZCS
Leysweg #86
+597 465558 ext 2333
Dimitri Ouboter
  • Custodian Steward
  • Originator
Database Assistant
+597 465558 ext 2333
Vanessa Kadosoe
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Distributor
  • Point Of Contact
Assistant Vector Entomology
Leysweg #86
+597 465558 ext 2322

Географический охват

The geographic coverage for the Coeroeni/Sipaliwini Expeditions 1988/1989 encompasses the drainage area of the Sipaliwini River. Downstream of the tributary Koetari, this part of the river is called the Coeroeni River.

Ограничивающие координаты Юг Запад [2,002, -57,13], Север Восток [2,206, -55,956]

Таксономический охват

All specimens from this expedition were identified to species level.

Class Amphibia (Amphibians)
Order Characiformes (Piranha, Tetra), Siluriformes (Catfishes), Perciformes (Perch-like fishes), Squamata (Snakes, Lizards), Hemiptera (True bugs), Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, Katydids), Arachnida (Spiders), Scorpiones (Scorpiones)

Временной охват

Дата начала / Дата окончания 1988-08-15 / 1988-09-03
Дата начала / Дата окончания 1989-08-01 / 1989-08-20

Данные проекта

The project was executed between 1986-1996 as a PhD thesis of Paul Ouboter. The project was carried out in different study areas in Suriname and was focused on the occurrence, habitat and food of the three species of caiman that occurs in Suriname. The field work was organized by the National Zoological Collection of Suriname. During field trips for this research project other taxonomic groups were also collected.

Название Sympatry and Competition in Three species of Caimans in Suriname
Финансирование WOTRO (Stichting voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in de Tropen) is a Dutch organization whom funds projects in Suriname.
Описание района исследования Mostly clear water rivers with many rapids and black water rivers in Suriname, the habitat of caimans. These rivers are usually surrounded by tropical rainforest.
Описание плана выполнения исследований Areas were visited to carry out night surveys on rivers to investigate caiman ecology, while during the day time the terrestrial and aquatic habitats were sampled for other taxonomic groups.

Исполнители проекта:

Paul Ouboter
  • Principal Investigator
Jan Mol
  • Principal Investigator

Методы сбора

The sampling methods were specific to the taxonomic groups and included transect walks, hand sampling, seining and using insect traps and active insect collecting.

Охват исследования The Coeroeni area was sampled once while the Sipaliwini Savanna was sampled twice.
Контроль качества In some cases the identification of specimens was rechecked by foreign experts.

Описание этапа методики:

  1. 1. Amphibians and reptiles were collected using line transects during night and day surveys and were collected by hand when encountered. Insects were collected using various methods (passive sampling (insect traps), active sampling). Fishes were collected using gill nets and seining. 2. The specimens were labeled in the field and after identification a collection number was assigned to each specimen. 3. The specimens were first preserved in formaldehyde and then transferred into 70% Ethanol. Insects were preserved in 90% Ethanol or pinned. 4. All specimens were identified to species using literature and identification keys.

Данные коллекции

Название коллекции NZCS Vertebraten Collectie
Методы сохранения образцов Alcohol,  Pinned
Единицы хранения Кол-во 30 +/- 2 Jars ,  Между 1 и 3 Dry specimens, Pinned

Дополнительные метаданные

Альтернативные идентификаторы f8adda58-4001-4acd-b04c-a416b0c0c4b0