A checklist of endemic amphibian species of Tanzania

最新バージョン Sokoine University of Agriculture, Department of Ecosystems and Conservation により出版 5月 24, 2019 Sokoine University of Agriculture, Department of Ecosystems and Conservation

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Tanzania is a country that is located in East Africa that is noted for its vast wilderness. It is renowned for its safari landscapes, stunning rainforests and Mt. Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in the world. The country's vast wildness, rainforests, rivers and lakes make it a natural home for many different species of native and endemic amphibian species, many of which are in danger. There are many efforts that are being done to help the native amphibians of Tanzania, many of which are endangered species. As can be seen in the case of the Kihansi Spray Toad there are efforts underway nationally and internationally to have breeding programs in place to help bring up the population and try to save species that are endangered.

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Checklist; Endemic; Amphibian; Tanzania


Paulo Lyimo
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • データ利用者
  • 連絡先
Sokoine University of Agriculture
P.O.Box 3010
3010 Morogoro


Tanzania is a country in eastern Africa within the African Great Lakes region. It borders Uganda to the north; Kenya to the northeast; Comoro Islands at the Indian Ocean to the east; Mozambique and Malawi to the south; Zambia to the southwest; and Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain, is in north-eastern Tanzania.

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-7.885, 30.938], 北 東 [-2.021, 37.046]


Tanzania is internationally recognised as a key country for the conservation of African biological diversity. Its amphibian numbers about 130 amphibians, many of them strictly endemic and included in the “IUCN” Red lists of different countries.

タイトル A checklist of endemic amphibian species of Tanzania
ファンデイング Bamboo Innovation and Nature Preservation Organization (BINAPO), Tanzania https://www.binapo.org/
Study Area Description Tanzania is a country in eastern Africa within the African Great Lakes region. It borders Uganda to the north; Kenya to the northeast; Comoro Islands at the Indian Ocean to the east; Mozambique and Malawi to the south; Zambia to the southwest; and Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain, is in north-eastern Tanzania.
研究の意図、目的、背景など(デザイン) Amphibian ecological survey



代替識別子 99c42e58-e4f4-4afd-853e-bc5588e04c8d