Vietnam 200 endemic and/or endangered plant species

最新版本 published by Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR) on 8月 17, 2023 Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR)

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The dataset is created in the framework of a national research project ('ĐTĐL.CN-58/19') that is conducted at the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST). The specimens have been collected during several research projects including 'ĐTĐL.CN-58/19', from 2007 to 2020, and are archived in the Hanoi Herbarium of IEBR (HN).


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Nguyen Van Sinh, Tran The Bach, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Do Van Hai (2023). 200 endemic and/or endangered plant species of Vietnam. Version 1.1. Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. GBIF Occurrence dataset.



此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR)。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: 6424d44e-dd8d-4240-a085-e3142f09ec12。  Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR) 發佈此資源,並經由GBIF Viet Nam同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。


Occurrence; Specimen Plant Endangered Endemic Vietnam; Specimen


Van Sinh Nguyen
  • 元數據提供者
  • 發布者
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
  • Director
Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources
  • 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Nghia Do, Cau Giay, Ha Noi
Ha Noi
Ha Noi
  • +84-989548886


Geographic Coverage of the dataset is within the territory of Vietnam

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [7.362, 101.25], 緯度北界 經度東界 [24.046, 118.301]


The specimens of the dataset belong to five plant classes (Lycopodiopsida, Polypodiopsida, Pinopsida, Liliopsida, Magnoliopsida), that belong to the phylum of vascular plants (Tracheophyta) of the Plantae kingdom.

Kingdom plantae (Plants)
Phylum tracheophyta (Vascular plants)
Class Lycopodiopsida (Lycopods), Liliopsida (Monocots), Magnoliopsida (Dicots), Polypodiopsida (Ferns), Pinopsida (Conifers)


彙整期間 2007-2020


The main aim of the project is to build a database on taxonomy and distribution of endemic and of rare and valuable plant species in Vietnam. The project conducted field research with collecting specimens of endemic and of rare and valuable plant species. The project also examine and choose the appropriate specimens collected during previous projects and archived in the Hanoi Herbarium (HN) to create this dataset.

計畫名稱 Building a database on taxonomy and distribution of endemic and of rare and valuable plant species in Vietnam for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development
辨識碼 ĐTĐL.CN-58/19
經費來源 The project 'ĐTĐL.CN-58/19' is funded by the Vietnam Ministry of Science and Technology
研究區域描述 The project covers all the territory of Vietnam
研究設計描述 The project conduct field surveys mostly in protected areas, especially in national parks using transect methods


Thi Thanh Huong Nguyen
  • 研究主持人
The Bach Tran
  • 內容提供者
Van Hai Do
  • 審閱者
Van Sinh Nguyen
  • 發布者


The transect method has been used during the field study of the projects that produced the specimens for our dataset. The transects have been established through most typical habitats so that as many as possible plant species could be encountered during field surveys.

研究範圍 All the vascular plant specimens collected in the period from 2007 to 2020, archived in the Hanoi Herbarium (HN), especially the ones collected in the frame of the national project 'ĐTĐL.CN-58/19' have been considered.
品質控管 The specimen have been taken only when all necessary organs can be found, processed and archived using most advanced methods for long term use


  1. The field surveys of the national project 'ĐTĐL.CN-58/19' have been conducted in 2019-2020. The specimens have been processed, identified and archived in the Hanoi Herbarium (HN). The project also examine and choose the appropriate specimens collected during previous projects and archived in the Hanoi Herbarium (HN) to create this dataset. The specimens were selected to use for this dataset based on the availability of digital pictures of fresh specimens and all other information needed. The information on the specimen has been taken for creating records. In the case when the coordinates have not been given in decimal system we used the 'Canadensys' system to convert the data.
  2. the created dataset has been checked with using Open Refine software and GBIF tools (data validator, species matching) and corrected if needed until no error has been reported


蒐藏名稱 Vietnam endemic and/or endangered plant species (Hanoi Herbarium - HN)
蒐藏編號 ĐTĐL.CN-58/19
標本保存方法 Dried and pressed
管理單位 在...之間 1 和 200 specimen


  1. Tool for coordinate conversion:
    OpenRefine tool for data refining:
    GBIF species matching tool:
    GBIF data validator tool: