Arthropod diversity in the tea ecosystem of North-Eastern Bangladesh

Occurrence Specimen
最新バージョン Sylhet Agricultural University により出版 3月 3, 2025 Sylhet Agricultural University
CC-BY 4.0

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The investigation on assessing arthropod community structure in tea stands was conducted at the Lakkatura Tea Estates of Sylhet, Bangladesh, from November 2017 to 2018. The actual project was carried out to determine variations in insect biodiversity among four microhabitat types in tea estates and to determine relationships of various functional groups of insects with understory vegetation and microclimate changes in tea estates. A total of 20 Malaise traps were set to capture arthropod samples from a large gap tea stand, a small gap tea stand, a gapless tea stand and a shade tree tea stand. Arthropod samples were collected at every 15-day interval, identified to taxonomic classes and categorized into various functional groups like pest, beneficial and neutral insects. 

A total of 3219 individuals were captured under 71 arthropod species, belonging to 56 families and 14 orders; which are listed in this occurance dataset. The study was carried out under the project titled "Status of insect biodiversity and ecosystem functions in tea estates of the Sylhet region", funded by the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council. 

The dataset of the arthropod community in the tea ecosystem will help to facilitate research on distribution, abundance and migration of these arthropods around the world. 

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Maleque M A, Ahmod M M, Islam M S, Islam A F M S (2025). Arthropod diversity in the tea ecosystem of North-Eastern Bangladesh. Version 1.1. Sylhet Agricultural University. Occurrence dataset.



パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は Sylhet Agricultural University。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


このリソースをはGBIF と登録されており GBIF UUID: e81a4718-c998-4bf3-83b9-128d293ce31eが割り当てられています。   Participant Node Managers Committee によって承認されたデータ パブリッシャーとして GBIF に登録されているSylhet Agricultural University が、このリソースをパブリッシュしました。


Occurrence; Specimen


Md. Abdul Maleque
  • 連絡先
  • Professor, Department of Entomolgy
Sylhet Agricultural University
  • Sylhet Agricultural University
3100 Sylhet
Md. Moudud Ahmod
  • データ公開者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • Research Assistant, Department of Crop Botany and Tea Production Technology
Sylhet Agricultural University
  • Sylhet Agricultural University
3100 Sylhet
Md. Simon Islam
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • PhD Fellow, Department of Crop Botany and Tea Production Technology
Sylhet Agricultural University
  • Sylhet Agricultural University
3100 Sylhet
A. F. M. Saiful Islam
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • Professor, Department of Crop Botany and Tea Production Technology
Sylhet Agricultural University
  • Sylhet Agricultural University
3100 Sylhet
Md. Abdul Maleque
  • 連絡先
  • Professor, Department of Entomology
Sylhet Agricultural University
  • Sylhet Agricultural University
3100 Sylhet
  • +8801758571672


The arthropods were captured at the tea estates of north-eastern Sylhet region of Bangladesh

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [24, 91], 北 東 [25.5, 92.5]



Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Arthopoda
Order Diptera, Hemiptera, Dictyoptera, Homoptera, Orthoptera, Isoptera, Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Odonata, Blattodea, Hymenoptera, Dermaptera, Araneae, Lepidoptera
Family Tephritidae, Membracidae, Delphacidae, Drosophillidae, Nymphalidae, Rhipiceridae, Muscidae, Acrididae, Aeshnidae, Noctuidae, Hispidae, Culicidae, Aphididae, Tortricidae, Cicadellidae., Sphecidae, Calliphoridae, Carabidae, Braconidae, Thomicidae, Hesperidae, Sphingidae, Scolytidae, Miridae, Latridiidae, Staphylinidae, Elateridae, Asilidae, Dolichopodidae, Gryllotalpidae, Oecophoridae, Gracillariidae, Lampyridae, Tenthridinidae, Forficulidae, Gelechiidae, Scarabaeidae, Mantidae, Gryllidae, Alydidae, Pentatomidae, Ichneumonidae, Termitidae, Erebidae, Tachinidae, Coccinellidae, Syrphidae, Reduviidae, Pieridae, Geometridae, Tipulidae, Vespidae, Blattidae, Coenagrionidae, Tricogrammatidae, Formicidae


開始日 / 終了日 2017-11-01 / 2018-03-31



タイトル Status of insect biodiversity and ecosystem functions in tea estates of the Sylhet region
識別子 EV-ASIA2025DM



Malaise trap was used to catch the Arthropods at the four types of tea stands. Dead insects were collected at 15-day intervals for taxonomic identification and documentation.

Study Extent The study was carried out at Lakkatura Tea estate in Sylhet, Bangladesh

Method step description:

  1. Lakkatura tea estate was selected to carry out the investigation > Four types of tea stands (Large gap tea stand, small gap tea stand, gapless tea stand and shade tree stand) were identified in the tea estate > 20 malaise trap was set in four types of tea stands > dead insect were collected at 15-day interval > insect were brough to laboratory of department of Entomology, Sylhet Agricultural University > taxonomic identification of the specimen were done with expert entomolgist > data were documented and curated > specimen were stored at the Entomology lab


謝辞 The project was funded by the "Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council"
はじめに The investigation of arthropod community structure in tea stands was implemented under the project "Status of insect biodiverisity and ecosystem functions in tea estates of the Sylhet region". The purpose of the investigation was to determine variations in insect biodiversity among four microhabitat types existing at the tea stand and determine relationships of various functional groups of insects with understory vegetation & microclimate changes in the tea estates. Malaise trap was set at the selected 20 locations to catch the insects, which were collected at 15-day intervals for taxonomic determination. 
目的 The dataset includes a list of 71 arthropod species found in the tea ecosystem by capturing 3219 individuals. The occurrence information of these species will help to understand the global distribution, abundance, and migration of these insects. 